When Great Need Calls – Heroes Answer!

Today – in a small Hearing room at the Sophiasburgh Town Hall in Demorestville, Ontario – three Heroes will stand tall for the people of rural Ontario.Eric Gillespie – will once again provide remarkable legal counsel as he wraps up 2 months of a gruelling schedule – up to 16 hour days, single-handedly battling teams of lawyers on the other side (fully funded by tax dollars) to provide citizens with a strong and loud voice despite a legal structure created to assure our defeat!

Professor John Harrison – will bring years of exceptional expertise and experience in the field of Physics combined with his own love of the wondrous natural environment as shared at his home on Amherst Island, to once and for all, properly explain the errors and omissions inherent in Ontario Government regulations governing the placement of Industrial Wind Machines too close to people and their homes. …

Dr. Robert McMurtry – Order of Canada, distinguished physician and surgeon, Canadian Icon and leading figure in public health in Canada for over 3 decades and Advocate for Health and Well Being – will, once again stand tall for his neighbours, his community, his Province and for all those suffering the ill effects of living too close to giant Industrial Wind Generators.

We are proud of these, our friends and neighbours and we honour them for their brave and caring acts.

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